Pursue the path to your best self every day.

I am a writer, consultant and coach who helps individuals and teams understand their unique, ideal, God-shaped selves for focused impact in leadership and life.

I use to struggle to live out my calling and feel comfortable in my own skin.

Then I committed to the journey of discovery and through books, articles and conversations with wise mentors and coaches. I want to coach you on that journey no matter where you are, whether just beginning or needing another checkpoint. Keep reading and learning with me, or contact me about more in depth ways to pursue important pathway discovery for living your best life.

What Steps Can You Take?

Discover Who You Are

The first step is often to develop awareness of who you are. Personality inventories like the Enneagram are helpful and focused through coaching conversations.

Do First Things First

The best path for each of us means doing what matters most. Establishing a personal vision and setting meaningful goals will maximize your impact in leadership and life.

Build Everyday Habits

Living into our full, God-shaped potential means committing not just once, but again and again, through daily and weekly habits. Build a plan for making progress on those things that matter most to you.