“I Have No Personality” Is Not Actually a Thing

I’ve done enough personality type sessions with enough people that I’ve heard this corny joke a bunch of times:  “Well, I have no personality.” Typically that’s what the respondent warns me about as I get the results. But it’s not true.

We all have personality preferences. Lurking beneath that joke might be something a bit more serious, “Will you accept the personality type that I do have?” Or even, “What if I don’t like my personality?”

I used to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, too. When I first started out professionally I thought I had to be like my charismatic, extraverted boss.  But I wasn’t. I was quiet (thank you Susan Cain for setting the world straight on introverts). I was analytical and a thinker. My boss was a passionate feeler who connected well in crowds. I wanted to go deep with people, one on one. I thought I needed to be like him to succeed as a ministry leader. It took me awhile to figure out I didn’t.

This is the second post in a four-part series on the components of the pathway to your best self where I focus on personality, purpose and process. If you’ve just arrived start here. Today’s post is focused on personality.

So I use to feel uncomfortable, but now I relish my type. I’ve become crystal clear about my preferences AND I also see how they can be blindspots. I’ve done the work of personality reflection to both appreciate my God-shaped self which is created uniquely and has value just as I am. I’ve also done the reflection that leads to the desire for transformation. I’m not done yet. I have lots of room to grow.

Here are three things to consider about understanding personality and it’s usefulness for personal growth:

Transformation Starts With Information

The goal of personality reflection is not to remain there. In my previous post I articulated that personal reflection and understanding set up our priorities and a process. But we have to start with being mindful of who we are. Paying attention to our stories and to our patterns of thought and behavior, even our preferences. That’s where tools like the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, and StrengthsFinder among others come in. They give us a knowledge set. A basecamp to start the hike. The information that personality type brings us is like the base camp that sets up the journey. Sometimes we return back to camp every once in awhile to set out on another summit attempt or a daytime excursion.

Personality Awareness Is Not an End in Itself

Often I see people take personality tests to enjoy a giggle and laugh at what the results were (Buzzfeed I’m looking at you), only to shelve the results and do nothing with it. Many of us have long ago taken Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for some work training only to set it aside and go on our way. I’m a firm believer that the goal of hiking is both the journey AND the destination. I don’t want to miss everything on the way up. But I’m looking forward to that peak, that lake at the top, that resting place.Understanding ourselves may be a lifetime journey, but we do it because the transformation IS the thing. The spiritual teachers have always taught this. Christ said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”(Matthew 18:3). And St. Paul said, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2a). The goal of awareness is not just information, but transformation.

You Get What You Put In

If we start with information, and move toward transformation, then ultimately what we do with the information matters the most. My teachers use to say “you get out what you put in.”That is, if you invest in deeper reflection, if you take to heart what you are learning, you will see more pay off. When it comes to personality awareness, we need to put some time into it, to understand the concepts, and to ask those who know us what they think. We also need to make sure that we seek to apply something we’ve learned. That makes the journey rewarding and that is what gives the big reward at the finish.

Question: Have you committed to the pathway of personal transformation by discovering who you are? Do you have a favorite personality type scheme that is meaningful and useful for you?

If you’re ready to start this journey I’m eager to help in any way I can. Add a comment or send me a message at jeff@jeffgephart.com.

Here’s to the path of discovery!
