
Just like a keystone arch a true keystone habit holds it all together

Why You Need a Keystone Habit and How to Pick One Today

Keystone habits are habits that carry over into other aspects of our lives. Begin to focus on keystone habits by starting from your strengths, focus first on your morning, and connect it to your bigger vision and purpose.

Crafting a Vision For a Life Worth Living

“Where do you want to go” the iPhone assistant asks me when I hesitate to provide my destination.  It’s a good question.  As I have struggled at times to figure out my own personal or professional destination I have often told myself “I don’t know where I want to go.” When we start on the […]

“I Have No Personality” Is Not Actually a Thing

I’ve done enough personality type sessions with enough people that I’ve heard this corny joke a bunch of times:  “Well, I have no personality.” Typically that’s what the respondent warns me about as I get the results. But it’s not true. We all have personality preferences. Lurking beneath that joke might be something a bit […]

Do You Need a Clear Path for an Uncertain Future?

I’m launching this blog in a very uncertain time. What I believe to be true, however, has been no more clear to me than it is right now. First, we need to know who we are.  Second, we will be sustained if we do “first things first.” Third, we need to keep growing everyday by […]